Technical Excellence and Leadership Skills

VST14 Feedback Skills that will Supercharge Your Effectiveness as a Team Member or Leader!


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Angela Dugan

Cloud Solution Architecture Manager


Feedback helps us to build stronger teams, supports more effective problem-solve and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to delivering better products. Without it, we can spend time focusing on the wrong things, solving the wrong problems, maybe not even knowing about problems in the first place!

So if feedback is critical to us growing and thriving, why aren't we all excitedly showering each other with feedback all the time, and BEGGING others to give it to us? In my experience, people are generally not enthusiastic or confident in their ability to give feedback. Feedback usually isn't happening because feedback feels risky, vulnerable, scary, even downright anxiety-inducing.

As a manager, leader, and coach of many teams over the last 20+ years, I can help you get a good foothold on where to start. Even better, I can tell you where the bodies are buried so you avoid some of the mistakes I've experienced over the years too.

In this session, we'll warm up with an overview of what feedback is and is not. We'll also review the qualities of high-quality feedback, as well as the other kinds of feedback so you know the difference. We'll finish off with a quick summary of some "tips and tricks" to getting comfortable with giving and receiving candid feedback that has worked really well for me. You'll be a feedback champion before you know it!

You will learn:

  • Overview of what feedback is and is not
  • Qualities of high-quality feedback
  • Quick summary of some "tips and tricks" to getting comfortable with giving and receiving candid feedback